CoinWealth - End of Sale Announcements !
Thank you each and every one of you for participating in our sale and making it such a success - we must admit that it has been quite an exhilarating experience for us and it could not have happened without your support !
Here are a few key announcements that you need to hear of:
The credit of all vested tokens will occur by *10th March 2022*. The Listing & Trading of Tokens on all centralized Exchanges will take place at a later date that is yet to be determined - will be announced. You will receive your tokens either on your MetaMask Wallet or in your respective Exchange account depending on how you purchased.
March is full of action. Here are the highlights of what you can expect apart from the credit of the tokens on 10th March 2022:
- We are triggering a Locked Token FIP Program on Bitbns for all your Vested Tokens — you will receive a staking return on your tokens at the rate of 60% APY on all your vested tokens. This program will be active until the Listing Date on Exchanges.
- Our Portfolios Series is launching on the 10th March 2022 - Sign up for an invite now at the CoinWealth website here. You no longer have to contend with something forever in development - we are shipping!
- We are in the closing docs process with our Investors and the Pre-Seed round will be announced during the course of the month. Watch for the announcements. Thank you for the patience !
- IEOs have been extended on other exchange platforms that have been affected by the Ukraine-Russia conflict. While the contest ended on 8th March 2022 as per plan, the IEOs on other exchanges will continue as they need more time to market the token and scale up the investor base. The more the better!
We will keep you informed about the Listing of the Tokens on centralized exchanges and let you know at least 3 days in advance.
We will also announce the winners for Phase 3 and Referral program soon - all data will be collated and sent out to our auditor to make the final call. We are as excited as you are to find out the winning purchase value !
Chronology of events:
8th March: End of Sale of Bitbns IEO & Contest
10th March: Credit of Tokens (Vested Only)
10th March: Start of Locked-Token FIPs paying a staking return
By end of March: Listing on Centralized Exchanges (TBD)
30/60 days from Listing: Credit of the Locked Token FIP - Reward Tokens
30 days from Listing: Credit of Phase 1/2/3 Sale - Award Tokens to winners: Vesting will be applicable
We are committed to delivering the best possible outcomes to our investors.
We thank you for the trust.
CoinWealth Team